About Us

…redefining, expanding and promoting the uniqueness of Africa’s religiosity, spirituality, culture, values and traditions.

Join Our Mission to
Improve The Future of Africa


Vision Statement

To redefining, expound and promote a true and better view of the uniqueness of Africa’s religiosity, spirituality, customs, values and traditions.

Mission Statement

To theologically and philosophically redefine the African child’s perspective and the world at large, regarding the religiosity, spirituality, customs, values and traditions of the Africans.

Core Values

  • Africanness
  • Religiosity
  • Spirituality

Who we Are

Afrotheologie is an African religious platform that is aimed at redefining, expanding and promoting religious and spiritual practices, values, customs, and tradition pertaining and peculiar to the African traditional people.

Afrotheologie is also aimed at using the aliens religious books brought to Africa in the discover of traditional African religions and spiritual practices, which the aliens have labelled fetishism, pagamism, diabolism, superstitiousness, etc.

small efforts make big change

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